Fox News: The Rittenhouse case is a cautionary tale for conservative legislatures

By Brett Tolman and Kurt Altman | Published by Fox News on November 16, 2021

Thousands of cases a day go through our nation’s court systems, but most do not grab the headlines or scrutiny of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. The power and prejudice this prosecution is wielding should worry anyone who advocates for the fair administration of the rule of law.

As experienced prosecutors who have handled high-profile criminal cases and made difficult charging decisions, we leverage our decades of experience toward advancing reforms that translate to systemic support for the rule of law.

We do not typically engage with the latest case the media has chosen to circus. The probing and insightful Twitter analysis is best left to the great and renowned legal minds of our generation – LeBron James, Alyssa Milano and John Legend. Or better, the thoughts of tenured law professors in maze-like university buildings who pontificate courtroom knowledge from the safety of a quiet corner office.

The Rittenhouse case is different.

Like much of America, over the last couple days we have watched the Rittenhouse prosecutor exhibit the attitude that rules and the judge’s rulings don’t matter. 

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